Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto

Doctor in Peace, Conflicts and Development from the UJI, with a thesis on the militarization of borders. Master in management of armed and social conflicts. She has worked in Colombia with young people from violent groups, has been an activist in Palestine and has been involved in schools in Peru. She has been a researcher at the Center Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau since 2014, where she also carries out the Desmilitaritzem l’Educació campaign and carries out infographics and graphic material.

Lines of research


Report 62 from Centre Delàs and Irídia: “Who watches the watchman? Border violence and impunity at Frontex”

Report 61: “The argument against and alternatives to war. On the War in Ukraine”

Report 56: “Potentially Lethal Weapons. Militarizing public space and traumatizing bodies”

Informe 54: “Combat proven business. Exporting the ‘Israel brand’ to maintain the occupation and normalise injustice”

Report 53: “NATO, building global insecurity”

Report 51: “Prepared for war. How militarism permeates our societies”

A militarised Union. Understanding and confronting the militarisation of the European Union

Una Unió militaritzada. Comprendre i afrontar la militarització de la Unió Europea

Una Unión militarizada. Entender y confrontar la militarización de la Unión Europea

Report 46: “A Walled World, towards a Global Apartheid”

Policy Paper from ECP, IDHC and Centre Delàs: “War in Yemen: Saudi responsibility, European complicity”

Report by the Centre Delàs and Novact: “The spiral of violence in Fortress Spain. Weapons for war and militarism to protect the borders”

Security policies for peace. Another security is possible and necessary

Delas Centre and Novact report: The transformation of the industrial-military complex

Report 35: Building Walls. Policies of fear and securitization in the European Union

Report of Delàs Center and ECP: Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in tension

Report of Delàs Center and ECP: Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in armed conflict

Report 32: European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14

Treinta preguntas sobre la OTAN. Treinta años después del Referéndum

Centro Delàs’ Report: Saudi Arabia and bombings in Yemen: the responsibilities of the Spanish State